Sunday 25 November 2012


Been long time didn't blog out,
Kinda miss the feeling of blogging :) 
These few days I found out some blogger that i quite admire their way to blog :X

I went to Penang this holiday :)

Let picture talk about my trip bahhh :D 

Reached Ipoh and have our breakfast, dim sum :)

After that, reached our hotel , Hard Rock Hotel (Penang) ♥


Hard Rock is a hotel that full of facilities :)
Quite recommend to who interest :D
But the price will be slightly higher too ._.
Quite had fun when I was having my vacation at Penang :)


This whole month, my boy is having his exam :(
Is a major exam, so no choice ._.
Kinda Very miss him :( ♥

I actually miss those moments I spend with him .. :(
Before his major exam, SPM we went to had a movie :) ♥
But too bad, didn't take any picture :X
I think that is the third movie we watched :P
Just simple, cause I don't like movie :X

I kinda miss the moment when our 1st year anniversary :3 ♥
It's sweet being with him at sharp 12am midnight :3 ♥

I miss him, miss the moments we spent together :( ♥

But anyways, his exam still got 2 more days to go :D
Wish him luck for this coming two subjects, Chemistry & Biology :)

Will be preparing his birthday this coming days :D ♥
Can't wait till that day HAHA ♥

Don't hope to be the girlfriend like last year anymoreHe says I am getting improve, he sees my improvement too :3  *Happy to hear that*
I love you dear, always pamper me like a princess :3 ♥ *Mwaksx* ♥

One of my favourite photo :3 


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